Benzoato de sodio/Conservante - SAMILE

SAMILE es uno de los fabricantes más antiguos de ácido benzoico y benzoato de sodio en China. La producción anual de 50000 toneladas, sirviendo tanto a China como al mercado mundial.

En 2022, SAMILE y TENGLONG invirtieron 80 millones de dólares para construir una nueva fábrica. La única fábrica insiste en la purificación intermitente, la calidad y pureza más estables.

-Ácido benzoico de grado industrial (99,2%) 60.000 toneladas/año, grado alimentario 50.000 toneladas/año;

-Benzoato de sodio de calidad alimentaria (99,3%) 50.000 toneladas/año; Grado médico 30.000 toneladas/año.

ISO9001-2016; 14001-2018; HALAL y KOSHER.

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Sodium benzoate is a kind of white particles or some crystalline powder, which is odorless or has a slight smell of benzoin. It tastes slightly sweet and has some astringent taste. It is called sodium anxinate, ethyl benzoate and its salts. Spectrum antibiotic preparation, its antibacterial effect depends on the pH value of food. As the acidity of the medium increases, its bactericidal and antibacterial effect increases. In alkaline medium, it loses its bactericidal and antibacterial effect. Its antisepsis has always been The pH value is between 2.5 and 4.0, but in the acidic environment of the human intestine, it can turn into some highly toxic benzoic acid.